Tips On Finding The Best Tax Attorney

Getting the best tax attorney is very important when you want someone to take care of your finances. In order to do that you need to know how to choose the best tax attorney. Doing some research will surely help you to know what aspects to look for when you intend to hire the best tax attorney. You will then know exactly what question to ask the aspirants for the job that you offer. If you do your research you will also know what kinds of references to search for when you want the best tax attorney. It is in your interests to ensure the investment you are making is worthwhile.

If you really need the best tax attorney the first thing that you have to inform yourself of is the experience that the attorney has. This means that you have to know what education he/she has and if he or she actually worked as a tax attorney. You should ask if the person ever worked for the IRS because if he or she did, it will be much easier to negotiate in your benefit. If your problem is a non-criminal issue then the best tax attorney for you is the one that has experience in the IRS Office of Chief Counsel. Even if we should give a chance to people that do not have yet this kind of experience if you have a difficult tax matter the best tax attorney is the one that has worked for the IRS or for another financial authority.

The minimum that a tax attorney should have is a Master’s of Law in Taxation. This is also named the LLM in taxation and it shows that the person studied the tax law for at least one year. The best tax attorney should continue to learn about the tax law even after he or she graduated because the tax law is constantly changing. This aspect could be verified by searching for evidence like articles published by the tax attorney in publications in the domain. Quality advice can be given only by the tax attorney that knows what changes occurred in the tax law evolution.

A specialist is the best tax attorney for you if he or she already handled the exact matter that you have now. When you want to know this you have to put questions to the about the topic that you are interested in and you should start a detailed discussion. You can read more about tax attorney essentials at

There are some other general but important aspects that you must consider too when you want the best tax attorney. The specialist should have good communication skills and should be a good negotiator. In this way, he or she will be able to do the best in your case. An essential requirement is for you to search more than one option when you intend to employ the best tax attorney.

Article by Dean Forster at

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How To Choose The Right Tax Attorney

It is absolutely necessary to choose the right tax attorney if you are burdened with tax issues such as being audited, having IRS tax debt, being accused of investment fraud or other IRS-related concerns. If you ignoring the tax problem will only make it worse it is best to get a tax lawyer. If you wait too late you could be subject to tax penalties that include fines, interest, liens, garnishment and other penalties up to imprisonment. With so much at stake when dealing with tax legal issues you should find an attorney who specializes in tax law.

If you have decided to use the services of a tax lawyer, you need to know how to find a good tax attorney.

Attorneys may be a general practitioner or a specialist. You need an attorney that specializes in tax law. Also, a good reputation and track record with former clients are important. The tax attorney should be in good standing with the IRS and any bar association.

Another consideration must be the attorney's fee. Now, be aware that legal representation may not be cheap. However, with you attempting to remedy the tax situation yourself, the cost to you could be multiple. First, consider the cost. The actual attorney fee will vary depending on location, the nature and complexity of the case, the particular lawyer involved and the tax attorney's hourly rate. So before you jump and choose a tax attorney that seems ideal, to prevent delay and disappointment, make sure that you can afford the representation.

Contact a few tax attorneys and ask about their fee schedule, find a payment arrangement that fits your situation. Most reputable tax attorneys will require a down payment for work performed, this is known in the industry as a "retainer". The retainer amount will vary. Part of the retainer will be refunded if the total amount is not used.

Here are some common fee structures:

I. Fixed or Flat Rate: This is an arrangement were specific legal services are covered by set fees.

II. Hourly Rate: Very common. Fees will be assessed based on the time the tax attorney spends on your legal issues.

III. Contingency Fee: Is a fixed percentage of the amount of recovery the tax lawyer is able to secure, which will serve as the attorney's fee. However, there are other expenses such as court costs, filing fees, copies, phone charges and more that will be your responsibility.

A successful tax lawyer with a proven track record will likely have a background in tax law, either as a course of study or in service in the IRS. They will also probably have financial experience in some other field such as a Certified Public Accountant. If you have a tax issue involving the IRS, make sure that you choose a tax attorney that is licensed to represent clients before the IRS.

In choosing the right tax attorney you want to know if the tax attorney will handle your case personally or refer it out. How many cases has the tax lawyer or firm handled. What is the ratio of cases that went to trial to those that were settled and the outcomes of those cases.

You must share personal, sensitive and confidential information, make sure you choose someone you are comfortable with. Ultimately, it is essential to choose a tax attorney that you can trust to represent your interest and bring relief to your tax issues.

Get tax relief. Taxes can be confusing and stressful get more information and help on Choosing a Tax Attorney as well as other resources related to tax preparation and tax resolution at Tax Preparation Help here:

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When To Get Help From a Tax Attorney

Not every one will need the use of a tax attorney but their usefulness cannot be underestimated when you do need to hire one. First understand that there is a big difference between a tax attorney and a person who prepares taxes, such as a CPA or bookkeeper. If you hire an attorney, anything you say to them is completely confidential. Unlike a CPA or bookkeeper that can be called to testify against you in court should you ever be audited and brought to trial. There are several reasons you may need to hire a tax attorney.

The first and most common reason to hire a tax attorney is that you are in trouble with the IRS. Being audited and dealing the IRS is many people's worst nightmare. If you get in this situation, it means that your figures didn't add up and the person who has prepared your original tax filings has at the least made an error or at worst was completely incompetent. By hiring an attorney, he/she will be able to give you the best legal ways of working with the IRS so you can come to a mutually agreed upon conclusion.

Another reason to hire a tax attorney is they understand that the tax laws are not just black and white. There are many shades of gray between the two. He/she can give you many different legal ways to solve the problem and get the IRS of your back.

He/she will also act as a go between you and the IRS. Everyone knows the intimidation tactics the IRS will use to try and get you to cooperate. A good lawyer understands these tactics and how to "fight" them on good legal reasoning. He/she is on your side and basically; he/she will fight your battles for you.

If you owe a significant amount of money in back taxes hiring a tax attorney is your best option. People who try to take on the IRS alone usually end up paying more than those who are legally represented. With attorney-client privilege, you will be able to honestly talk to your attorney about exactly what went wrong so they can find the absolute best options for you. He/she knows the tax law inside and out and can come up with a solution for both the short term and the long term. You cannot underestimate the bully tactics of the IRS. If you ignore them, they will pursue you even more aggressively.

If you own a business or have a larger estate, you should also consider consulting with a tax attorney. He/she will make sure all your assets are set up according to the required tax laws. This can save you thousands of dollars in tax deductions and give you the peace of mind that everything you are doing is above reproach.

The above situations are good reasons to hire a tax attorney. Not every person needs a tax attorney. For instance, if the IRS sends you a letter saying an error was made and you owe such-and-such amount, just pay it.

Visit tax for information on criminal and IRS tax attorney's, as well as, to locate a tax attorney in your area.

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What is a Tax Attorney

While many business owners recognize the importance of having a secretary and an accountant at their disposal, few realize the equally significant need of having a personal tax attorney.

A tax attorney is an attorney with specialized skills or expertise in taxation laws. Although he can also represent clients regarding other aspects of the law, a tax attorney will be especially helpful when it comes to resolving tax problems and issues. A tax attorney generally has advanced training and education in taxation law to distinguish him from other lawyers.

There are basically two ways for tax attorneys to provide aid to you or your business:

Tax Planning – Tax attorneys are like financial managers in the sense that they manage your financial affairs to ensure that you will not encounter any tax difficulties in the future. Tax attorneys will guide you in every step and steer you to the right path when your finances are beginning to wave a red flag at the IRS.

Tax Controversy – Tax attorneys can also defend your rights when you’re already embroiled in a tax controversy. If you’re already having difficulties with your taxes, a tax attorney will help you out by straightening your affairs and clearing your name. A tax attorney will be able to reduce penalties, remove liens if possible, and negotiate whatever needs negotiating with the government.

When Should You Hire a Tax Attorney?

The answer to this question depends entirely onto you. You can head off potential troubles for you and your business by paying a monthly retainer to your tax attorney. As such, he’ll be able to act in an advisory capability and warn you when you’re about to do something wrong. He can also coordinate with your accountant regularly to ensure that you will have no tax trouble in the future.

Of course, you can always opt to hire a tax attorney only and only when you are already experiencing tax difficulties and you feel helpless in the negotiation table with the IRS. While the first option is the most ideal, this second option is still better than not hiring a tax attorney at all. Only few civilians or business owners have the necessary skills and attitude to deal effectively with the IRS.

How Much Will a Tax Attorney Cost?

If you wish to employ a tax attorney by paying him a monthly retainer, the fee will range from several hundred to more than a thousand dollars every month, depending on the duties and responsibilities you wish for the attorney to take care of and the law firm you’re transacting with.

If you wish to consult with a tax attorney only when there’s a need, you may be charged by an hourly rate. Again, the rate will depend on the law firm you’re transacting with and the problem at hand.

If you are hiring a tax attorney to handle your tax case, you may not need to pay any of his fees at all if you win your case. The IRS will be responsible for it instead. Your tax attorney may also opt to have a percentage of your tax savings.

Do you want to know more about how to work with a tax attorney, check out my new site at

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